Impact of pesticides on earthworms and enchytraeids and their bio-diversity...
Experiments have been carried out on the impact of commonly used pesticides on the population of earthworms and enchytraeids in rice-wheat cropping system.
View ArticleDissipation of pesticides in tea shoots and the effect of washing
Dissipation of residues of dicofol, endosulfan and quinalphos in tea shoots in field experiment conducted at Borbhetta Tea Estate, Tocklai, Jorhat.
View ArticleMore than 60 pesticides banned in other countries in use in India
Kerala banned the use of 15 pesticides in May this year. However, about a dozen pesticides which were either banned or severely restricted in other countries continue to be used in Kerala, C....
View ArticlePesticide on your plate: use of toxic chemicals peaks in State
75 per cent of pesticides used belong to Yellow category As Kerala grapples with the spectre of poisoned vegetables from across its borders, use of chemical pesticides in the State has peaked. Figures
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